Academic publications

By members of the NWDF

Dr Itzel San Roman Pineda:

San Roman Pineda, Itzel; Hattie Lowe, Laura J. Brown & Jenevieve Mannell (2023) Viewpoint: acknowledging trauma in academic research, Gender, Place & Culture, 30:8, 1184-1192, DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2022.2159335

Dr. Ana Laura Zavala Guillen:


Zavala Guillen, A.L. (2023) Feeling/thinking the archive: Participatory mapping Marronage. Area, 00, 1– 10. Available from: 

Zavala Guillen, A.L. (2021) Maroon Socioterritorial Movements, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2021.1959293. Open Access: 

Zavala Guillen, A. L. (2021) Afro-Latin American geographies of in-betweenness: Colonial marronage in Colombia, Journal of Historical Geography, Volume 72, April 2021, Pages 13-22. Open Access: 

Co-Founder of the Network of Women Doing Fieldwork